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九游体育-陈燮然 郝玉:荣膺2023美国AIIDA国际设计大奖会所空间——金奖!


2023年10月28日下午,由CEIDA中欧国际设计协会、美国AIIDA国际创新设计大奖组委会与中国国际室内设计网联合举办的第六届美国AIIDA国际创新设计大奖暨国际高峰论坛竭尽全力 养痈成患北京隆重举办!

On the a九游体育fternoon of October 28, 2023, the 6th AIIDA International Innovative Design Awards and International Summit Forum, jointly organized by CEIDA China International Design Association, AIIDA International Innovative Design Awards Organizing Committee and China International Interior Design Network, was held in Beijing.

美国AIIDA AWARD国际创新设计大奖创办至今现已成功举办了5届,活动的举办得到国内外设计行业、设计机构、高等艺术院校的高度关注与肯定。活动现场有亚洲新闻网,新浪视频,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,网易视频,凤凰视频,百度视频,今日头条等几十家主流媒体进行采访与支持!

AIIDA AWARD International Innovative Design Award has been successfully held for 5 times since its inception, and the event has been highly concerned and affirmed by the design industry, design institutions and higher art colleges at home and abroad. There are Asia News Network, Sina video, Tencent video, Sohu video, NetEase video, Phoenix video, Baidu video, Today's headlines and other dozens of mainstream media for interview and support!

2016年美国AIIDA国际创新设计大奖创立于美国洛杉矶,活动由美国洛杉矶市政厅、美国洛杉矶商务局、美中贸易文化促进会与中国国际室内设计网联合创办,随着中美两国文化交流的不断发展,AIIDA奖致力于促进中美两国调笑 保养创意设计领域更广阔的交流与合作。

The 2016 AIIDA International Innovative Design Award was founded in Los Angeles, United States. The event was jointly founded by Los Angeles City Hall, Los Angeles Bureau of Commerce, US-China Trade Culture Promotion Association and China International Interior Design Network. With the continuous development of cultural exchanges between China and the United States, The AIIDA Award is dedicated to promoting greater exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States in the field of creativedesign.

中国国际室内设计网作为中国室内设计行业的最具国际影响力行业平台,刮目相看 另起炉灶全球范围内组织各项国际行业交流、考察、展览等活动来促进世界各国与中国复刊 罢课文化创意产业的相互交流与合作,为全球的创意设计产业的交流发展提供更加广阔的平台。

As the most internationally influential platform of China's interior design industry, China International Interior Design Network organizes various international industry exchanges, visits, exhibitions and other activities on a global scale to promote the mutual exchange and cooperation between countries around the world and China in the cultural and creative industries, and provides a broader platform for the exchange and development of the global creativedesign industry.

经2023第六届美国AIIDA国际设计大奖组委会评审,陈燮然 郝玉老师的作品由美集团大中华区美学体验中心室内设计成功荣获2023美国AIIDA国际设计大奖会所空间设计-金奖!

Judged by the organizing committee of the 6th AIIDA International Design Award in 2023, Mr. YouTing Zhu's work to 《Hangzhou Wanke Jun Xi' an Lan Villa project》successfully won the Gold Medal of Villa Space Design in the 2023 AIIDA International Design Award in the United States!

—— 获奖作品展示/Display of winning works——

AE-LAB为由美集团打造的大中华区美学体验中心,力求生活 朝气空间造型语言与材质语言上都能呈现出一直以来由美品牌与其用户高贵、优雅的气质与对生活美学独具的鉴赏力和思辨性,体现出新时代高阶层女性力量的独特魅力,通过空间重塑赋能品牌价值,彰显由美美学多维度、多层次、多视角的“女性美学智慧”。

空间摧残浪费蹂躏 不堪一击材料语言与空间语法的组合上与大西美学商业思维与空间功能相契合,柔软的酒红色丝织品与深色石材的碰撞是品牌精神凝华为空间实体的精彩演绎。同时各楼层间又通过细节相互呼应,空间序列张弛有度,形成由美美学完整的空间形象体系。

—— 获奖设计师/Award-winning designer——

Chen Xieran




北京市朝阳区青年惠梦艺术设计服务中心 设计总监


Hao Yu


